Rebirth Enhancement Services
If you are struggling with drug addiction or mental health the battle does not have to be yours to fight alone.

About Us
​Rebirth Enhancement Services is a State Licensed Treatment Program Accredited by The Joint Commission located in Glen Burnie Maryland. Rebirth provides Outpatient Behavioral and Mental Health Treatment serving adults, children and adolescents. We provide individual, group therapy and an aftercare program to strengthen the opportunity for long-term recovery. Clinically superior services are offered in an atmosphere of dignity and respect, we are able to increase the quality of life for individuals who are struggling with the disease of addiction and mental health.

Rebirth Enhancement Services is Accredited by
The Joint Commission and has earned
The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval
Recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality reflecting an organization’s commitment to meeting high standards of healthcare service delivery, providing cost-effective, best-value care.

What We Do
Our Company Video

Our Facility
Rebirth Enhancement Services is located in Glen Burnie Maryland the facility was designed with the needs of our clients in mind. Feeling comfortable and secure during the treatment process is important the facility has three group rooms and a cool café with complimentary coffee, water and snacks